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Station to Station, was the original name of the “great-Canadian-novel” that I was going to write after a back-packing trip to Europe as a young man. I never wrote that book but the title stuck with me even after finding out it was the name of a classic David Bowie album.  Station to Station has become even more relevant as I reflect back on my years working in the radio industry.

In my role as a radio news reporter I have always enjoyed listening to the stories others had to tell, and then presenting those stories to the listeners at the various radio stations where I worked. My role of retelling some of those stories is the subject of this podcast. You will also hear new interviews in the mix, as well as some stories from behind the mic.

Click here for podcasts.

There were two reasons I dubbed interviews, newscasts and radio reports onto cassettes over the years. The first was to listen back to my sound to see if there was any improvement in my news read, reporting or interview skills.

The second was to collect the best audio for a demo tape to send to a potential future employer. I never threw any of the audio cassette’s out and now share some of them in this digital format.

Thanks to advancements in technology I was able to transfer audio from cassettes to the digital format.

Whatever the station in life, everyone has a story to tell; stories that are worth listening to.

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